

Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar


The vineyards are the pulsating heart of La Tosa; they enclose the deepest soul and identity. Nineteen hectares of vineyards, all tightly surrounding the company, sixteen and a half owned and two and a half, very close, leased; all belonging to the same terroir, but with significant differences between one plot and another and within each individual vineyard.

Since the early eighties of the last century, we have worked to achieve maximum concentration, complexity, aromatic richness, personality, and the unique characteristics of our territory in the grapes. For this reason, the initial objective at that time was to limit the grape production per plant with various operations, including thinning the clusters, which was then unknown in our area.

The second step was to maximize the expression of the soul of each different grape variety through differentiated and targeted dry and green pruning.

The third step, and for over twenty years, has involved allocating not only different grape varieties and vineyards, as is obvious, to each specific wine, but also delimited portions of each individual vineyard. These portions reflect and result from the extreme variety of soils, exposures, and microclimates characterizing the hill. Each portion is cultivated differently, and the grapes are harvested separately.

In general, ours has always been a 'balanced' viticulture. On one hand, with the cover cropping we have practiced in all vineyards since 1991, targeted plant nutrition, and copper-based treatments on the vines, we provide the plants with a slight controlled stress. This stress corresponds to the commitments in human life, ensuring that the substances produced concentrate more in the clusters than in vegetative growth. At the same time, through natural nutrition based on organic matter of animal origin in the soil and algae extracts used for vine irrigation, we ensure that the vines never suffer.

Since 2015, our viticulture, always based on the devoted respect for nature,
has been organic, and since 2018, we have the certification to prove it.

Treatments against vine diseases are therefore based on copper and sulfur, but also on herbal extracts, propolis, phenolic extracts, resistance inducers based on yeasts, and many natural substances that we research and test every year. Nature is a vast herbalist's shop, and it is our simple duty and infinite pleasure to understand it, to receive help from it, and to reciprocate with respect and love.

The 7 vineyards of La Tosa: Morello, Sorriso, Ronco, Bel Sorriso and Cà di Terra owned, Bellaura and Cà di Marte leased conduits.

Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar Azienda Agricola La Tosa Cellar


If the vineyards are the pulsating heart of La Tosa, the cellar is somewhat its brain. Undoubtedly, the soul of each wine is born in the vineyard, but it is the work and care applied in the cellar that allows this soul to express itself in all its nuances.

To achieve this, a quality that we strive to bring into play, in addition to passion and rigor, is the marriage between human and intuitive qualities on one side and rationality and extreme precision on the other. Therefore, all wines are analyzed in the laboratory many times, but each winemaking decision is made almost exclusively based on what the nose and palate reveal during tasting. Thus, we determine the precise moment of harvest based on the tasting, even more than the analysis, of grape samples taken in the vineyard.

Then, we harvest by hand in crates, carefully selecting the clusters. We press white grapes in a gentle lung press, while using a delicate crusher for red grapes.

The fermentation that follows is the most crucial moment in the formation of a wine: we monitor it particularly, paying close attention to the well-being of the yeasts that carry it out.

It is important, in fact, that during this phase, aromatic flaws and defects that could compromise their pleasantness, elegance, and expression of the terroir do not develop in the wines.

In the subsequent phases of winemaking, our two guiding principles are speed and attention in various operations, to avoid even minimal oxidations of the wines. We also adhere to a natural approach, characterized by minimal intervention, low sulfite dosages (even none for TerredellaTosa), and the use of natural antioxidants. We started using these antioxidants, among the first in Italy, in 2005. All of this is done to capture the gift that nature has given us with the grapes, without any blurriness.


One of our goals has always been for each of La Tosa's wines to have a peculiar, well-defined personality, and for all together to compose a varied and complete picture. From the clear and symmetrical lineup: four white wines, four reds, one sweet wine. Among them, four base wines (Terrafiaba Ortrugo, Riodeltordo, Terrafiaba Gutturnio, and TerredellaTosa) and five more significant wines. Among the latter, a pair coming from native grape varieties, with a softer and more immediate impact (Sorriso di Cielo and Vignamorello), and another pair, originating from French grapes, with a more masculine and thoughtful impact (Sauvignon and Luna Selvatica). Finally, the cherry on top of this gift from earth and sun, a sweet wine (L’Ora Felice), which with its fragrance and finesse conveys the light and deep touch of nature.

Nine wines are nine different interpretations of nature, nine children endowed with their own distinct character.

Nine are the wines, but numerous and all different are their vintages.


Terrafiaba Ortrugo

Terrafiaba Ortrugo

Ortrugo dei Colli Piacentini D.O.C.

A sparkling white, it is our freshest and most immediate wine, which, despite its intrinsic simplicity, is the result of a project inspired by the desire to produce base wines endowed with immediacy and freshness, but also with a fine, non-trivial aroma and good structure.



Emilia I.G.T. Bianco

This dry still white wine, destined for the everyday table, combines freshness, immediacy and drinkability with a good complexity of aromas, a fairly rich structure and portions of savouriness and minerality to provide further levels of interpretation. It originates from a selection of our best grapes registered in the Valnure DOC, grown along the stream called Rio del Tordo, whose river habitat the aromas and saline humours of this wine echo.



Colli Piacentini D.O.C. Sauvignon

It is at the same time an expression of certain peculiar characteristics of the Sauvignon vine and of the typical features of our terroir: a Sauvignon with an aroma of elderflower, tomato leaf and peach, with citrus and vegetable nuances and a mineral background, less pronounced and green and more composed and complex than the well-known Friulian-Hotel Tyrolean types, and with a rich structure and balance on the palate, with a notable final persistence. A Sauvignon, in short, complex, expressive and personal.

Sorriso di Cielo

Sorriso di Cielo

Colli Piacentini D.O.C. Malvasia

A dry still white wine with a slight residual sugar, to give greater smoothness. It is perhaps our most original wine, because it is the result of research into a type of wine that did not exist before, in Piacenza and also in Italy. The grape is Malvasia of Candia Aromatica, which has been cultivated on the hills of Piacenza for about five centuries to give a sparkling, aromatic and light wine. Il Sorriso di Cielo was born in 1991 from the desire to explore the possibility of this vine giving a still, structured and long-lived wine, something that had never been hypothesised before. The years following '91 and vertical tastings of all the vintages produced confirmed the truthfulness of the initial hypothesis and gave us ever more enthusiasm in researching the potential of Malvasia of Candia Aromatica, truly one of Italy's greatest native white grapes and the true Italian alternative to Gewurtztraminer.

Terrafiaba Gutturnio D.O.C.

Terrafiaba Gutturnio D.O.C.

Gutturnio D.O.C. frizzante

A sparkling red, it stems from the desire to express the most traditional and peasant wine identity of our area, the Barbera and Bonarda grapes in a lively version, using the vocabulary of finesse, elegance, lightness and great drinkability.



Gutturnio D.O.C. Superiore

Still red, is our red wine for the everyday table. It was born from a project, inspired by the desire to produce base wines endowed with immediacy and freshness, but also with good complexity and structure. Since 1988 we have been producing it in the still version, in respect of the real potential of our terroir, and we want to combine in it the most authentic moods and aromas of our land with universal finesse and balance. Since the 2010 vintage, it has been vinified without any added sulphites, to give the wine greater naturalness, wholesomeness and aromatic cleanliness.



Gutturnio D.O.C. Superiore

This structured still red wine comes from our Gutturnio cru, the Morello vineyard, located in an elevated position with north-south exposure. Each year a significant thinning of the bunches is carried out and the grapes are harvested at an advanced stage of ripeness. These are the main reasons for the difference between our basic Gutturnio and Vignamorello: a difference in structure, maturity, depth, longevity. A difference in grapes, therefore, but also in vinification, especially the intervention of wood. Which, however, is not conceived in the Vignamorello, as a 'school', which moulds and profoundly modifies the character of the wine, as happens in most red wines of a similar level, but as a pure source of spices, to increase the complexity of the wine. All this to obtain a wine that is concentrated and important, but also with an immediate approach and a thoughtfully sunny character, a reflection in grapes of the serenity that emanates from our beautiful Piacenza hills.

Luna selvatica

Luna selvatica

Colli Piacentini D.O.C. Cabernet Sauvignon

A very structured still red, it comes from a classic Bordeaux blend, developed in a personal way. It is a wine that is as concentrated and powerful as it is elegant and smooth, endowed with both character and composure, a reflection, in this, of our soil and climate. Both vineyard management, vinification and ageing are aimed at the same goal: to obtain a Cabernet Sauvignon with a classic look but with a deeply Italian and, above all, Piacenza soul.

L'ora felice

L'ora felice

Emilia I.G.T. Malvasia Passito

A sweet white wine made from dried Malvasia, it was born in 2005, picking up the thread of a series of trials we had carried out between 1986 and 1988 to produce a wine of this type. What prompted us to do this was the desire to explore a version of raisin wine little travelled in Italy: a wine based more on freshness and elegance than on distinctly overripe aromas and a very opulent taste; a wine not at all cloying and saturating, not to weigh down the already not-so-light moment at the end of a meal, when wines of this type are generally tasted; a wine, finally, that captures the mood of the early autumn period, fresh and misty, of our climatic habitat. A particularly careful harvest in order to allow the grapes absolute sanitary integrity, raisining in an air-conditioned room lasting only a few weeks, fermentation conducted with the aim of maximising the aromatic integrity of the wine, maturation of the wine exclusively in steel containers and bottling carried out quite early, are all tools we use to achieve our goal.



We have many projects in progress. There is always something to discover and learn, in any field. And if your working partner is none other than Nature itself, then truly, one never stops learning.

First and foremost, learning about our territory, with which we live every day, but in reality, know little about its intimate soul and its myriad facets. We have dedicated ourselves to this in recent years. In 2013 and 2018, we participated in a vineyard zoning project led by Dr. Carla Scotti from the I.TER studio. This project helped us understand better the origin and nature of our soils, leading to increased awareness of its influence on the organoleptic characteristics of our wines.

Since the mid-2000s, drawing from the most comprehensive and specific meteorological data, we have been studying the climate's evolution and its complex influence on grape maturation. This allows us to gain greater awareness and knowledge of the origin of the quality and characteristics of our wines.

But the famous 'terroir' is not exclusively made up of soil, climate, and man. Today, a fourth element is being added: microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, mycorrhiza, which mediate the relationship between plant roots and soil. These microorganisms vary from microzone to microzone, indelibly characterizing their specific territory. In 2017-2018, a study on biodiversity and the microorganisms in La Tosa's soils was conducted for us by Dr. Giacomo de Maio and Dr. Marta Fragnito from the company N.T.I..

Specific to each even small territory are the yeasts present in the soil, on vegetation, and on the berries. In 2017, we initiated a project in collaboration with Bioenologia by Maurizio Polo, involving several companies from all over Italy. The goal was to select certain strains of indigenous yeasts already existing in our vineyards to ferment our wines and enhance their specific terroir characteristics. As of now, we have three unique yeast strains, two suitable for white wines and one for reds. We continue to ferment increasing portions of our wines with these yeasts each harvest.

Since 2010, the application of the method of "Branch Pruning" developed by grape agronomists Marco Simonit and Pierpaolo Sirch has continued in the vineyard. This method aims to better respect the integrity and balance of the vines and extend their life. From 2021, the monitoring project of cicadas and various insects has been developed through FIVI, in collaboration with the research and consulting group Perleuve.

Since the 2015 vintage, our viticulture has been organic, and since 2018, we have obtained certification under the control of the " Suolo e Salute" organization. Since that year, not only all the grapes but also the majority of our wines are certified accordingly.

Organic farming, for us, entails a deep, comprehensive, and evolving approach to vineyard management. It is not a destination but a starting point to increasingly understand and follow the intricacies and balances of nature, which is a gigantic herbalist's shop at our disposal and for its own self-defense. Numerous natural extracts assist us in the fight against vine diseases and also exhibit precious antioxidant and antiseptic effects in protecting the wine during the vinification process.

In short, we consider ourselves farmers of the third millennium: living in close contact with the land and the vines. Thanks to ancient and everyday experiences, we follow them with immediacy and instinct. At the same time, through scientific tools, we study them with dedication and infinite curiosity.



Critical review is sacred to us, in the sense that whether we agree or disagree with the opinions and judgment criteria, it is always a conversation partner to consider and respect. It often provides us with suggestions and precious specific stimuli, along with the fundamental opinions of those who purchase and enjoy our wines.

Here are the recognitions that our wines have received from critics over the years.

Slow Wine Guide

  • 2024 / La Chiocciola
  • 2024 / Vino Slow – Sorriso di Cielo 2022
  • 2023 / La Chiocciola
  • 2022 / La Chiocciola
  • 2022/ Vino Slow – L’Ora Felice 2020
  • 2021 / Vino Slow – Sorriso di Cielo 2019
  • 2020 / La Chiocciola
  • 2020 / Vino Slow – Sorriso di Cielo 2018
  • 2020 / Vino Quotidiano – Terrafiaba Gutturnio 2018
  • 2019 / La Chiocciola
  • 2019 / Vino Slow – Sorriso di Cielo 2017
  • 2019 / Vino Quotidiano – TerredellaTosa 2017
  • 2018 / La Bottiglia
  • 2018 / Vino Quotidiano – Terrafiaba Gutturnio 2016
  • 2017 / La Bottiglia
  • 2017 / Vino Quotidiano – Riodeltordo 2015
  • 2016 / Vino Quotidiano – TerredellaTosa 2014
  • 2011 / La Bottiglia
  • 2011 / Grande Vino – Luna Selvatica 2008

Gambero Rosso Guide Wines of Italy

  • 2009 / Tre Bicchieri – Luna Selvatica 2006
  • 2007 / Tre Bicchieri – Luna Selvatica 2004
  • 2000 / Tre Bicchieri – Luna Selvatica 1997
  • varie edizioni / Due Bicchieri Rossi (vini con due bicchieri ammessi alla degustazione finale per l’assegnazione dei Tre Bicchieri): Vignamorello 2009, 2005, 2004, 2003 e 2000, Luna Selvatica 2001 e 2000, Sauvignon 2007 e 2006, Sorriso di Cielo 2022 e 2007

Vitae Guide Italian Sommelier Association

  • 2024 / Quattro viti – Ombrasenzombra 2022
  • 2023 / Quattro Viti – TerredellaTosa 2021
  • 2023 / Quattro Viti – Sorriso di Cielo 2021
  • 2022 / Quattro Viti – Vignamorello 2019
  • 2021 / Quattro Viti – Luna Selvatica 2018
  • 2018 / Quattro Viti – Vignamorello 2015
  • 2018 / Quattro Viti – Luna Selvatica 2015
  • 2018 / Premio Tastevin – Vignamorello 2015
  • 2015 / Quattro Viti – Luna Selvatica 2012

Bibenda Guide Italian Sommelier Foundation

  • 2024 / Cinque Grappoli – Vignamorello 2021
  • 2023 / Cinque Grappoli – Vignamorello 2020
  • 2022 / Cinque grappoli – Vignamorello 2019
  • 2021 / Cinque grappoli – Vignamorello 2018
  • 2020 / Cinque Grappoli – Vignamorello 2017
  • 2019 / Cinque Grappoli – Vignamorello 2016
  • 2018 / Cinque Grappoli – Vignamorello 2015
  • 2015 / Cinque Grappoli – Vignamorello 2013

Bibenda Guide Italian Sommelier Association

  • 2014 / Cinque Grappoli – Vignamorello 2012
  • 2013 / Cinque Grappoli – Vignamorello 2011

Duemilavini Guide Italian Sommelier Association

  • 2012 / Cinque Grappoli – Vignamorello 2010
  • 2006 / Cinque Grappoli – Luna Selvatica 2003
  • 2004 / Cinque Grappoli – Luna Selvatica 2001
  • 2003 / Cinque Grappoli – Luna Selvatica 2000
  • 2002 / Cinque Grappoli – Sorriso di Cielo 2000

Yearbook of the Best Italian Wines by Luca Maroni

  • 2024 / Migliore vino bianco italiano (98 punti) – Ombrasenzombra 2022
  • 2023 / Migliore vino rosso italiano (98 punti) – Vignamorello 2021
  • 2022 / Migliore vino rosso italiano (98 punti) – Vignamorello 2020
  • 2021 / Migliore vino rosso italiano (98 punti) – Vignamorello 2019
  • 2020 / Migliore vino rosso italiano (98 punti) – Vignamorello 2018
  • 2019 / Secondo migliore vino rosso italiano (97 punti) – Luna Selvatica 2016
  • 2018 / Migliore vino rosso italiano (98 punti) – Vignamorello 2016
  • 2017 / Migliore vino rosso italiano (98 punti) – Vignamorello 2015
  • 2016 / Migliore vino rosso italiano (98 punti) – Vignamorello 2014
  • 2015 / Migliore vino rosso italiano (97 punti) – Vignamorello 2013
  • 2014 / Migliore vino rosso italiano (98 punti) – Vignamorello 2012
  • 2013 / Secondo migliore vino rosso italiano (96 punti) – Vignamorello 2011
  • 2013 / Secondo migliore vino rosso italiano (96 punti) – Luna Selvatica 2010
  • 2012 / Secondo migliore vino rosso italiano(96 punti) – Vignamorello 2010
  • 2011 / Migliore vino rosso italiano (97 punti) – Vignamorello 2009
  • 2010 / Terzo migliore vino rosso italiano (95 punti) – Luna Selvatica 1997
  • 2009 / Migliore vino rosso italiano (97 punti) – Vignamorello 2007
  • 2007 / Secondo migliore vino dolce italiano (96 punti) – L’Ora Felice 2005
  • 2007 / Secondo migliore vino rosso italiano (96 punti) – Vignamorello 2005
  • 2007 / Decima azienda italiana per punteggio medio dei vini (90,1 punti)
  • 2006 / Terzo migliore vino rosso italiano (95 punti) – Vignamorello 2004
  • 2001 / Terzo migliore vino bianco italiano (93 punti) – Sorriso di Cielo 1999

Vini Buoni d'Italia Touring Club Guide

  • 2024 / la Corona – L’Ora Felice 2022
  • 2023 / La Corona – L’Ora Felice 2021
  • 2022 / La Corona – Sorriso di Cielo 2020
  • 2021 / La Corona – Vignamorello 2018
  • 2010 / La Corona – Sorriso di Cielo 2008

Guide of Vino Quotidiano Slow Food

  • 2008 / Migliore Rapporto Qualità-Prezzo – Valnure 2006
  • 2004 / Migliore Rapporto Qualità-Prezzo – Valnure 2002
  • 2002 / Migliore Rapporto Qualità-Prezzo – Gutturnio 2000

Gambero Rosso Almanac of “Bere Bene”

  • 2010 / Oscar Qualità-Prezzo – Gutturnio 2008
  • 2009 / Oscar Qualità-Prezzo – Gutturnio 2007
  • 2008 / Oscar Qualità-Prezzo – Gutturnio 2006
  • 2007 / Oscar Qualità-Prezzo – Gutturnio 2005
  • 2006 / Oscar Qualità-Prezzo – Gutturnio 2004

Emilia Romagna da Bere guide of the Italian Sommelier Association of Emilia-Romagna

  • 2023-2024 / Eccellenza – Ombrasenzombra 2022
  • 2023-2024 / Eccellenza – Luna Selvatica 2020
  • 2022-2023 / Eccellenza Oro – Sorriso di Cielo 2021
  • 2022-2023 / Eccellenza – Ombrasenzombra 2020
  • 2022-2023 / Eccellenza – Vignamorello 2020
  • 2022-2023 / Eccellenza – Luna Selvatica 2019
  • 2021-2022 / Eccellenza Oro – Sorriso di Cielo 2020
  • 2021-2022 / Eccellenza Oro – Luna Selvatica 2018
  • 2020-2021 / Eccellenza Oro – Sorriso di Cielo 2019
  • 2020-2021 / Eccellenza Oro – Luna selvatica 2017
  • 2019-2020 / Eccellenza – Sorriso di Cielo 2018
  • 2019-2020 / Eccellenza – Vignamorello 2017
  • 2018-2019 / Eccellenza – Luna Selvatica 2015
  • 2017-2018 / Eccellenza – Sorriso di Cielo 2015
  • 2017-2018 / Eccellenza – Vignamorello 2015 (oro)
  • 2016-2017 / Eccellenza – Sauvignon 2014
  • 2016-2017 / Eccellenza – Luna Selvatica 2013
  • 2015-2016 / Eccellenza – Sorriso di Cielo 2013
  • 2015-2016 / Eccellenza – Vignamorello 2013
  • 2014-2015 / Eccellenza – Sorriso di Cielo 2012
  • 2014-2015 / Eccellenza – Vignamorello 2012
  • 2014-2015 / Eccellenza – Luna Selvatica 2011
  • 2013-2014 / Eccellenza – Sorriso di Cielo 2011
  • 2013-2014 / Eccellenza – Luna Selvatica 2010
  • 2012-2013 / Eccellenza – Luna Selvatica 2009
  • 2011-2012 / Eccellenza – Luna Selvatica 2008
  • 2010-2011 / Eccellenza – Sorriso di Cielo 2008
  • 2009-2010 / Eccellenza – Vignamorello 2007
  • 2008-2009 / Eccellenza – Vignamorello 2006
  • 2008-2009 / Eccellenza – Luna Selvatica 2005
  • 2007-2008 / Eccellenza – Vignamorello 2005
  • 2007-2008 / Eccellenza – Luna Selvatica 2004

Espresso Wine Guide

  • 2021 / I 100 migliori vini italiani sotto i 15 euro – Sorriso di Cielo 2019
  • 2018 / I 100 migliori vini italiani da comprare, numero 66 – Vignamorello 2015
  • 2013 / il Sauvignon 2011 con 16,5/20 è uno dei sei migliori vini e il migliore vino non dolce della provincia di Piacenza

Veronelli Gold Guide

  • 2014 / Vignamorello 2012 90 punti
  • 2013 / L’Ora Felice 2011 90 punti
  • 2020 / Sauvignon 2018 90 punti
  • 2023 / Sorriso di Cielo 2021 90 punti
  • 2023 / L’Ora Felice 2021 90 punti
  • 2024 / Sorriso di Cielo 2022 90 punti

Daniele Cernilli's Essential Guide to the Wines of Italy

  • 2024 / Luna Selvatica 2020 Faccino Doctor Wine 95 punti
  • 2023 / Vignamorello 2020 Faccino Doctor Wine 95 punti
  • 2018 / Vignamorello 2015 91 punti

Top Hundred Cento Migliori Vini d'Italia award by Paolo Massobrio

  • 2003 / Vignamorello 2002

Ranking of the Best Italian Wines for all guides published by Gentleman

  • febbraio 2023 / Sorriso di Cielo 2021 trentaduesimo miglior vino bianco d’Italia (e secondo migliore vino bianco dell’Emilia-Romagna)
  • febbraio 2022 / Sorriso di Cielo 2020 ventunesimo miglior vino bianco d’Italia (e migliore vino bianco dell’Emilia-Romagna)
  • febbraio 2021 / Luna Selvatica 2018 cinquantaduesimo miglior vino rosso d’Italia (e secondo migliore vino dell’Emilia-Romagna)
  • febbraio 2018 / Vignamorello 2015 ventesimo miglior vino rosso d’Italia (e migliore vino dell’Emilia-Romagna)

Wine Enthusiast

  • articolo di Monica Larner luglio 2013 – Vignamorello 2011 89 punti, Luna Selvatica 2009 87 punti

Go Wine Guide to the Wineries of Italy Impronta

  • Riconoscimento assegnatoci ogni anno a partire dal 2008, assieme ad altre poco più di duecento cantine italiane, per sito, accoglienza e profilo produttivo.
  • Vino top dell’azienda: Sorriso di Cielo